Tipping the Balance


The aim of Tipping the balance is to investigate which factors and strategies play a role in encouraging citizens to make healthier and more sustainable food choices. We investigate which fundamental phenomena influence stakeholders (citizens, policymakers, food industry) to achieve social acceptance of new food environments. In addition, we want to gain insight into how we can reduce non-constructive polarisation, the role that design methods can play in this, and how to accelerate the transition.

For this, we use promising research methods from the creative industries that have not been applied before in the food context. This is how we put 'emotion networks' (methodology in the context of cultural heritage) in order to gain insight into the role and function that dialogue can have for the broad group of stakeholders. We analyse ideas, needs of citizens, entrepreneurs and policymakers and investigate the process to gain insight into their fundamental motivations.

In addition, we investigate a bottom-up design process to identify what a healthy and more sustainable local food environment should meet.

Project budget €262,677, with €141,272 PPS surcharge being used.

The research is complete
This project has been completed. All project results, project updates and knowledge retrieved is documented here: https://debuurtaantafel.org/

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