Granted PPP program allowance projects
CLICKNL strengthens public-private partnerships in research and innovation for the creative industry with PPP surcharge. This can be divided into PPP-project surcharge and PPP-program surcharge. Below you will find all PPP projects that are funded with PPP program surcharge.
Click here for more information about the PPP grant and the conditions we use for this.
Projects awarded funding
Project | Starting date | Applicant | PPP grant | Status |
Collection Windows | 02-2024 | The Royal Library | €64.950 | Ongoing |
Pension planning in the age of AI | 02-2024 | Netspar | €338.649 | Ongoing |
VR Simulations for Educational and Training Environments - oVRview | 02-2024 | Tilburg University | €325.621 | Ongoing |
DialogueTrainer | 10-2023 | University Utrecht | €120.000 | Ongoing |
BEweegAPP+ | 05-2023 | Wageningen University & Research | €49.994 | Ongoing |
The Role of Sound in Hybrid Work Environments | 03-2023 | Eindhoven University of Technology | €150.000 | Ongoing |
Vital Employees | 03-2023 | Fontys Sports University | €49.608 | Ongoing |
More than planet | 11-2022 | Waag Society | €150.000 | Lopend |
More than planet | 11-2022 | Waag Society | €150.000 | Ongoing |
HUPAN de mens centraal | 11-2022 | University Utrecht | €64.000 | Ongoing |
Innovatieversnelling Onderzoeksproject Eemsdelta | 04-2022 | HANZE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES GRONINGEN | €47.538 | Ongoing |
Local Colours | 10-2022 | Waag Society | €296.817 | Ongoing |
Experiment Maatschappelijk Verdienvermogen voor Studentenwelzijn met Citizen Science | 10-2022 | HANZE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES GRONINGEN | €49.934 | Ongoing |
Experiencing Augmented Reality in Staged Entertainment | 10-2022 | BUas | €49.800 | Ongoing |
Fieldlab - Lead and deal with stress | 10-2022 | Maastricht University | €177.124 | Ongoing |
Toekomstverkenning Nederlandse Evenementenbranche | 10-2022 | TNO | €150.000 | Ongoing |
Technologisch Burgerschap | 10-2022 | Waag | €79.705 | Ongoing |
van Award naar Impact | 10-2022 | AVANS UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES | €73.515 | Finished |
Future Proof Labs 2 | 06-2022 | The Hague University of Applied Science | €205.407 | Ongoing |
Health and Labor Market Uncertainty over the lifecycle | 06-2022 | Netspar | €185.338 | Ongoing |
New Canterbury Tales | 06-2022 | Avans | €127.908 | Ongoing |
Data-driven design methods | 05-2022 | TU Delft | €100.000 | Ongoing |
Responsible business models | 04-2022 | Waag Society | €97.882 | Ongoing |
Long term effects of the IDOLS* programme | 04-2022 | TU Delft | €10.813 | Ongoing |
Caring for Caregivers | 04-2022 | TU Eindhoven | €110.000 | Ongoing |
Redesigning Psychiatry - Mentale gymnastiek | 03-2022 | Reframing Studio | €52.820 | Ongoing |
KIEM GoCI | t 10-2022 | GoCI | €750.000 | Ongoing |
Public Civil Cooperation | 01-2021 | Waag | €254,793 | Ongoing |
Empirical Unified Research of Embodied Conversational Agents (EURECA) | 09-2021 | TiU | €540,410 | Ongoing |
Politicisation of expertise in the platform society | 09-2021 | UU | €43,735 | Finished |
UPPS 2 | 07-2021 | TU Delft | €60.000 | Ongoing |
VisXP | 07-2021 | Beeld & Geluid and UvA | €397,000 | Ongoing |
i-Tree | 06-2021 | TU Delft | €398,573 | Ongoing |
Individual pension choices in uncertain times | 01-2021 | Netspar | €177,000 | Ongoing |
Design, can you eat that? (World Design Embassies Research 2021, project FOOD) | 01-2021 | WUR | €11.570 | Finished |
Fieldlab creative earning capacity | 01-2021 | Creative Impact Research Institue | €100.000 | Ongoing |
RE-FRAME 2 | 01-2021 | Beeld en Geluid | €90,000 | Ongoing |
RE-FRAME | 12-2020 | Beeld en Geluid | €154,970 | Ongoing |
Doclab 2020 | 05-2020 | IDFA DocLab | €494,094 | Finished |
Sustainable on the Road Together | 01-2020 | HvA | €50.000 | Ongoing |
Tipping the Balance | 05-2020 | Waag Society | €141,272 | Finished |
Design Impact Programme | 01-2020 | WDCD | €225,000 | Ongoing |
How to elicit preferences for sustainable investments? | 01-2020 | Netspar | €180,000 | Ongoing |
Stadsranden Lab | 12-2019 | BNA | €56,000 | Finished |
Bicycle of the future | 09-2019 | TU Delft | €420,000 | Ongoing |
Kind in Gesprek | 05-2017 | Beeld en Geluid | €261,000 | Ongoing |
Fabric4masks | 05-2019 | TU Eindhoven | €109,000 | Finished |
DocLab 2019 | 05-2019 | IDFA DocLab | €194,067 | Finished |
Mixed Reality | 05-2019 | Waag Society | €104,718 | Finished |
Fieldlab BK-Labs | 05-2018 | TU Delft | €200,000 | Ongoing |
Public Stack | 05-2018 | Waag Society | €39,297 | Finished |
Nutricia Proteins | 05-2018 | TU Delft | €80,000 | Ongoing |
Picking the Editors Pick | 05-2018 | Universiteit van Amsterdam | €105,600 | Finished |
BioCommons | 05-2018 | Waag Society | €150,000 | Ongoing |
Method for integral product and process development | 05-2018 | AVANS hogeschool | €117,574 | Finished |
FACE-2FACE | 05-2018 | TU Delft | €66,000 | Ongoing |
INFUSION Responsible Design StadUp Case | 05-2018 | Universiteit Twente | €13,333 | Finished |
Wellbeing for all, by all | 05-2018 | Universiteit Twente | €13,333 | Finished |
Extimacy Multi Sensoree Designs | 05-2018 | Universiteit Twente | €13,333 | Finished |
CHEtGUM: Responsible CHEwing GUM Cleaning Robot | 05-2018 | Universiteit Twente | €13,333 | Finished |
Inertia Retirement Decisions | 05-2018 | Netspar | €180,559 | Ongoing |
Effective decicion aids pension communication | 05-2018 | Netspar | €173,000 | Ongoing |
AI for Society | 05-2018 | Waag Futurelab | €175,355 | Finished |
Data Inspired Creativity | 05-2018 | Talpa | €95,000 | Finished |
Design United World Embassy projects | 05-2017 | TU Delft | €74,806 | Ongoing |
Mediascape | 05-2017 | Beeld en Geluid | €117,238 | Finished |
Urban Fringe Lab | 05-2017 | BNA | €56,000 | Ongoing |
3D Knit Fieldlab | 05-2017 | Hogeschool van Amsterdam | €150,000 | Ongoing |
Fieldlab Serious Gaming | 05-2017 | Dutch Game Association | €150,000 | Ongoing |
Agri meets Design | 06-2016 | TU Eindhoven | €60,274 | Finished |
DocLab 2018 | 06-2016 | IDFA DocLab | €150,000 | Ongoing |
Learning together | 06-2016 | Federatie Dutch Creative Industries | €18,000 | Finished |
Radical Collaboration Labs | 06-2016 | What Design Can Do | €75,000 | Finished |
Stad X Klimaat | 06-2016 | BNA | €48,000 | Finished |
Representing diverse views for polarized topics online | 06-2016 | TU Delft | €300,500 | Finished |
Mobility as a service | 06-2016 | TU Delft | €65,000 | Finished |
Fieldlab Social Cohesion | 06-2016 | Effenaar | €130,000 | Finished |
Onlive | 06-2016 | TNO | €155,000 | Finished |
Fieldlab Health & Sense of Home | 02-2015 | Fontys | €150,000 | Ongoing |
Fieldlab VRDML | 02-2015 | TU Delft | € 147,200 | |
Fieldlab Virtual Worlds | 02-2015 | Meertens Instituut | € 150,000 | |
Fieldlab UPPS | 02-2015 | TU Delft | €150,000 | Ongoing |
Fieldlab SAX | 02-2015 | Media Perspectives | €150,000 | Ongoing |
Little Red Riding Hood | 01-2015 | Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen | €229,650 | Finished |