• Kennis
  • Top Sector

    A top sector is a sector in which the Dutch business community and research centers worldwide excel. The Netherlands has 9 (unofficially 10) top sectors, of which the 'creative industry' is one. The ambition: to create promising crossovers and social added value by connecting knowledge, creativity and entrepreneurship. Not only must the sector itself become strong, but it must also support other top sectors and societal challenges. For example with Virtual Reality for information in healthcare.

  • Innovatie creatief denken
  • Kids


The aforementioned 5 themes and their missions are the basis for several Knowledge and Innovation Agendas. These agendas indicate what business, government and knowledge and research institutions will be working on in the coming years.

In addition to these Knowledge and Innovation Agendas, there are also the KIA MV, the KEM agenda and the Agenda Ontwerpkracht (The Power of Design Agenda). The latter was developed by CLICKNL specifically for the creative industry.