The creative industries focus on the behaviour of citizens.
Opportunities and levels
The market is changing by enticing the consumer into healthy and sustainable choices. Moreover, by providing insight into the current situation (what is on our plate, it is good for us, how does it get there and at what cost), opportunities for this system change become visible. We have an influence on the demand-driven chain.
In order to get everyone involved in this process, the creative industry involves stakeholders. Three levels can be distinguished: the individual (micro), the immediate environment (meso) and society (macro).
Integral and concrete
With its integral approach and imaginative power, the creative industries design a vision of the future in which technological and social innovation are in balance. Moreover, the creative industries translate this into a concrete approach, strategy, steps and interventions, designing new revenue models. This approach provides three spearheads for the creative industries:
1. Imagination - enticing - moving
Influence the use of products so that consumers shape and carry out the transition themselves. In order to get the consumer moving, he should be offered an action perspective, for example through information campaigns and advertising. The creative industries can also guide the process of fulfilling the vision for 'the new normal' by developing appropriate interventions. The case to the left shows how a new normal can be stimulated. We change the demand-driven chain.
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2. From a supply to a demand driven chain
In addition, it is important that the system in which our food is produced changes: the system must respond to consumer demand, instead of the producer determining what is on the shelves. The creative industries can shape this new system, partly by developing possible visions of the future in co-creation with consumers and stakeholders.
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By enticing the consumer into healthy and sustainable choices, a transition from a supply to a demand-driven market is created
3. Green gives new oxygen
More and more is becoming known about the influence of green on our well-being and on climate adaptation and biodiversity. Research is ongoing, and the creative industries are integrating acquired knowledge into their methodologies for applying greenery, especially in the built environment: the outdoor and indoor spaces in which people live. The creative industries ensure that green concepts find their way into actual impact on health and well-being.
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We are currently working on an English version of the agenda. Please find the first chapter of the agenda in English here.