‘captain of transition’ Jan Rotmans kicks off

Smarthouse creates 6-part vodcast series with Creative Impact Makers

CreativeNL enjoys sharing industry initiatives that are about impact and creativity and is pleased to ‘broadcast’ a 6-part vodcast series with Creative Impact Makers this summer. In part 1 Prof Dr Ir Jan Rotmans, an international authority on transitions and sustainability.

Professor Jan Rotmans, drag queen Jennifer Hopelezz, actor Thekla Reuten, fashion designer Ronald van der Kemp, communications advisor to UNHCR's High Commissioner of Refugees Anadil Hossain and Change Inc founder Yoeri van Alteren have nothing in common at first glance. Except that they all aim to make an impact on people or the environment for a better world. They show that you can achieve a tremendous amount with your creativity (internationally) and that sustainability has now definitely transcended the woolly-sock era.

Better together instead of me and more

In her work as founder of Amsterdam-based creative impact studio Smarthouse, Daniëlle Guirguis meets a wide variety of figures. From filmmakers to professors, from artists to corporate types. If they share the studio's values of better together rather than me and more, they are at home at Smarthouse.

Guirguis: ‘Our mission is to promote transformative change through storytelling. If possible, even accelerate it. Because transformative change means doing things really differently, not doing a little less or more of something you were already doing.

It often starts small, but it is very strategic. In fact, those individual decisions help set a new social norm - that of an inclusive, circular and sustainable society. Our Creative Impact Makers are an example of this, which is why I invite them to my smarthouse at their location.'

Read more and watch part 1 with Jan Rotmans in the Port of Rotterdam on the CreativeNL website.

Watch part 2 with actor Thekla Reuten here

Part 3 with Jennifer Hopelezz you can watch here.

Watch part 4 with Yoeri van Alteren here

Part 5 with Ronald van der Kemp you can watch here.

Please note this vodcast is in Dutch.
