Field lab Events

Due to the COVID-19 measures, events can only be organised with strong limitations. This has a major impact on the events sector. For this reason, Fieldlab Events has been created by the events sector in collaboration with the Dutch government.

The Fieldlab
The aim of Fieldlab Events is to develop validated building blocks, which form proof of the safe and reliable approach needed. This is done in co-creation with companies, governments, interest groups and the public. Purpose is to create trust with the national government in order to have assessment frameworks making it possible to adapt the Corona road map. The Fieldlab Events program focuses on differentiation of different events (business and public) and situations (inside and outside, static or dynamic, etc.) and accelerating the return to full operation for events.

banner 2 fieldlab evenementen

Fieldlab Events is an initiative of the entire sector, from business to public events and from culture to sports. The program has been started up as a result of the discussions that the events industry has had with various ministries, and its joint ambition is to test various elements within the framework of health and safety that can provide insight into the possibility of easier limitations to event organisers.

The Fieldlab programme was set up as a collaboration between scientists and knowledge institutions, the Top Sectors Creative Industry and Life, Sciences & Health and CLICKNL. The program is supported by the Ministries of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), Education, Culture and Science (OCW), Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) and Justice and Security (J&V).

Want to know more?
For more information and updates about the fieldlab, keep an eye on our news page or have a look at the fieldlab website.

PPP project: pilot for low-contact events

In 2021, the PPP project called 'pilot for low-contact events' was conducted. The assignment from Fieldlab Events for BUAS - LCB was; conduct a comparative and in-depth research based on available knowledge or insights on the themes of Group Dynamics and Tracking & Tracing, specifically focused on events.

The summarized answers to the research questions posed for both building blocks are;

  • What technology is an effective way for tracking & tracing? The CoronaMelder is an effective and privacy-proof way of tracking and tracing. However, no one is allowed to directly or indirectly mandate the use of CoronaMelder or any similar digital tool. Therefore, the researchers of this project recommend that while encouraging the use of this app, the goal of 'tracking and tracing to contribute to an effective way of source and contact investigation' from the perspective of the event organizer should go.
  • Nevertheless, track and trace technologies can be well used to map visitor dynamics. Thus, insights can also be gained to what extent parallel (or differentiate) group dynamics of visits to events and to other locations such as supermarkets, shopping streets, marketplaces, train stations, public transport stops, etc. On this specific topic, the study found no available data from research projects or recent insights.
  • Zooming in on events, what patterns in group dynamics are distinguishable or identical among the four types of events that are distinguished are. The available theory was analyzed and based on this a risk analysis model focused on visitor dynamics at events.

PPP project: TechMed Center

The University of Twente -as part of Fieldlab Events- conducted a PPP project called "TechMed Center. This project involved:

Drops are considered one of the sources of spreading the Covid-1 virus. Droplet spread when singing and talking during events were studied. How far do the droplets spread, what gets contaminated with them (clothing bystanders, upholstery chairs) and how can this be prevented (1.5 meters, face mask/mask).