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  • Program info

    • Title: Exceed - Expert Coalition for Experimental Environment Development
    • What: program and platform of experts around experimental environments
    • Input: coordinator
    • Duration: 2023 - present
    • Key words: field labs, living labs, living labs, experimentation, KIA key technologies
    • Project partners: other top sectors and cooperation partners from the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant


Expert Coalition for Experimental Environment Development

__Innovation cannot happen without experimentation. Therefore, environments in which new solution directions are developed, tested, substantiated, refined and made ripe for application are indispensable. __

To increase knowledge and realise the grand societal missions, countless field labs, living labs, living labs, living labs, learning communities and more are deployed in the Netherlands. These experimental environments are rightfully innovation accelerators that have impact in the form of economic effects, such as new products or activity, and social effects, such as acceptance of new technology and new forms of collaboration.

In the Netherlands' mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy, experimentation environments occupy a prominent place as key methodologies. There is a task to deploy them as effectively as possible as innovation accelerators, for the benefit of societal missions. This requires environments that match the complex and long-term nature of the intended transitions. Bringing together and deepening knowledge about, and experience with, experimental environments as methods, is therefore the overarching goal of the multi-year cooperation within the Exceed programme.

The programme

The multi-year programme Exceed focuses on addressing four challenges:

  1. Knowledge exchange and building with good connection to practice, partly to avoid parties having to keep reinventing the wheel;
  2. Leveraging synergy and cooperation;
  3. Support for multi-year experimental environments, to encourage sustainable survival, and better alignment with long-term innovation policy missions;
  4. Strengthening the connection of, especially, SMEs to experimental environments.Creating overview of existing initiatives, the expertise present there and the relevant focus and application areas.
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The expert platform

Exceed stands for Expert Coalition for Experimental Environment Development. We bring experts and stakeholders together to exchange knowledge and gain new knowledge together.

Researcher or expert by experience? You too can be part of this expert coalition. Subscribe below for the updates, and indicate that we may approach you to think along and for (knowledge) events.

Next steps

Exceed is in its start-up phase. In the first half of 2023, these are the main activities Exceed is undertaking:

1. Building the Exceed network
We are building up the network of experts and practitioners as the main sounding board for the further development of the programme. The network thinks and talks about concrete programme activities and is the main platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences.

2. Three experiments for experimental environments
Together with the Exceed network, we are working on the frameworks for three pilots or experiments to strengthen the preconditions for successful experimentation environments. These include (1) smart approaches for rule-free or rule-less environments, (2) deployment of existing funding instruments and sources for longer-term funding of labs, and (3) making experiences of lab directors and other participants in and with experimental environments transferable in useful ways.

3. NWO mission call
NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, as part of Exceed, is preparing a research call around experimental environments. Budget will be made available for a number of consortia of research institutions and existing living labs and fieldlabs to develop knowledge on the employability of experiment environments in different contexts.

Stay informed

We are shaping and implementing the programme together with stakeholders from research and practice. Keep an eye on our dedicated Exceed updates for the steps we are taking and opportunities to get involved.

Sign up for Exceed updates.

Do you have any (substantive) questions? If so, please email programme manager Martijn Arnoldus at martijn@clicknl.nl.

Exceed is an initiative of several top sectors and cooperation partners from the so-called Knowledge and Innovation Covenant, under the coordination of CLICKNL.

  • participatie

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