Design Research & Innovation Festival

DRIVE 2021

This was DRIVE 2021! Just like last year, the Design Research & Innovation Festival took place in De Effenaar, during the Dutch Design Week. And just like last year, we - together with Design United turned it into a hybrid and interactive event that you could join from home. Five different themes in five days. With moderator Marieke Eyskoot, a sustainable fashion and lifestyle expert

Since 2014, we have been putting innovative projects and project results at the interface of knowledge and innovation in the spotlight every year during Drive. These projects come from designers, researchers or preferably from a consortium that includes both. The projects delivered results that were important not only for the project themselves but also for future challenges. Insights that concern, for example, new methods and ways of creating engagement, stimulating desire, creating value or even encouraging system change.

Watch the DRIVE 2021 sessions again

The festival program

DRIVE 2021-Mobility-leeg
18 October

Day 1: Mobility

About designing for / with conflicting use of space in the living environment and freedom of movement for all parts of society.

__Watch the video > __

DRIVE 2021- Circular & biobased
19 October

Day 2: Circular & Biobased Building

About designing (for) a circular economy while at the same time dealing with challenges such as health, human waste and value scaling.

__Watch the video > __

20 October

Day 3: Health

Where we want to further explore which methods ensure that healthcare providers and patients are more involved in the healthcare system of the future, and what this could look like.

__Watch the video > __

Drive safety banner
21 October

Day 4: Safety

About prevention of the undermining of the rule of law, both online and offline. About design against fake news, for an inclusive society in which everyone feels positively involved, and about design as a tool for the work of various security professionals.

__Watch the video > __

Food water 2021
22 October

Day 5: Food & Water

About designing for healthy food environments, motivating healthy and sustainable behaviour and making complex data manageable in order to arrive at individual choices.

__Watch the video > __

the Embassies

The DRIVE sessions are being programmed in conjunction with various Embassies of the World Design Embassy programme. Together with all its partners; designeers, as well as public and private parties, WDE organises various thematic exhibitions every year. With this, the social challenges were central at Dutch Design Week, both physically and figuratively. By linking DRIVE to the Embassies this year, we reinforced our shared message that the creative industry contributes to solutions to social challenges with knowledge and innovation and a people-oriented approach.

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  • DRIVE blokje
    Research results 2020

    Results of the DRIVE 2020 themes

  • About the mission themes