The policy is aimed at cross-sectoral collaboration between science, applied research, businesses and social organisations, within four social themes:
- Energy transition and sustainability
- Agriculture, water and food
- Health care and care
- Security
These themes are leading for policy, programming and financing.
Case: Pauline van Dongen
Case: Adjan Kodde van Mirabeau
Creative industries X the missions
It is widely recognised in the approach and discussions surrounding the missions that a multidisciplinary approach is required. Investments must not only be made in new technology, but also in social and cultural aspects.
The approach to this complex problem, working multidisciplinary and the themes of the missions fit the creative industries well. The creative industries therefore play a role in all four themes.
1. Energy transition & sustainability
To keep the earth habitable and to stop climate change, drastic systemic changes are needed in the way people treat the earth and the resources it provides.
What are the interests and values of users and owners? By mapping these, the creative industries can translate the blueprint of the new system into interventions.
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2. Agriculture, water & food
How do you ensure that the appreciation for food increases, people consume healthier, fewer greenhouse gases are emitted and circles are closed? And how do you design a climate-proof Netherlands?
The creative industries shape change by focusing on citizen behaviour, enticing them into healthy and sustainable choices and designing new revenue models.
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3. Health care & care
The missions within this theme focus on promoting everyone’s health, increasing the quality of life of people with a chronic illness or lifelong disability and improving the affordability, accessibility and quality of (health) care.
The creative industries can play an important role in the change toward a system that takes vitality and people's’ abilities, rather than limitations, as the starting point.
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4. Security
“Always ahead of the threat”: the Netherlands want to be a safe country to reside, work and live in. Registered traditional crime is on the decline, but at the same time a strong shift is noticeable toward the digital world, where the lines between upperworld and underworld are becoming increasingly blurred.
Within this theme the human-centred approach of the creative industries is essential.
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