Representing diverse views

Polarised Topics Online

The aim of this project, which is carried out by TUDelft in collaboration with IBM, is to increase understanding of how adaptive user interfaces can be designed to display polarised topics online. In particular the result of diversity, in terms of source, subject and language characteristics (e.g. named entities, sentiment, authenticity, influence).

How does that work?
New diversity assessment metrics are explored and compared to mandatory notions of diversity using complex content exploration interfaces. To account for the amount and diversity of subjective and personal experiences, we rely on
crowd computing techniques specifically designed to find out what types of user interface controls and transparency are suitable for different users.

The diversity metrics and exploration interfaces are evaluated using both offline and online studies. In order to meet the generalisability of the approach, the evaluations are carried out in different domains. TU Delft and IBM have collaborated on adjacent subjects within the framework of the Delft-IBM partnership. TU Delft Web Information Systems group as well as IBM has built up expertise in crowd computing and adaptive and intelligent user interfaces. The research conducted in this project is needed to add to the other topics. Together, this forms a coherent whole on the research and knowledge of this line of research, on responsible data analysis and in particular explainable interactive user interfaces.

Project budget approx. € 383,000, whereby € 300,500 PPP Allowance is used.

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