
In MediaScape, a model is being developed for innovatively making audiovisual cultural heritage accessible. Instead of generic applications such as the well-known access points on archives and catalogues, so-called “generous applications” are being designed that are better able to realise the potential of digital heritage collections.

Within the environment of a generous interface, the search bar is less important. The interface offers an alternative, easy and attractive way to search a collection, making the complexity of digital heritage collections insightful and accessible. The researchers use state-of-the-art information technology such as AI, XR and Intelligent Agents.

In order to develop these applications, a “bridge” is needed that can connect these new techniques with the systems that form the foundation of archives. Together with heritage partners and the public, they design test setups that show how the new designs work in direct interaction with visitors.

MediaScape is carried out by a consortium of CWI, DROPSTUFF and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.

Project budget €193,238, with €117,238 PPS allowance being used.

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