Child in conversation

This project addresses the question of how the younger generation in particular searches for (online) information. This is often done via social agents such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant or even robots. Little is known about how children experience this.

Children are quick to see and trust robots as an equal. The project investigates how we design child-robot interaction in a responsible way: not only informing in a way that children understand and like, but also with attention to transparency (where does information come from?), privacy (what personal data is used? ), and awareness of the use of Artificial Intelligence.

Questions that arise are:

  • how can we develop responsible interactive information technology for children that informs in a way that suits children and their stage or age, and presents in a way that they understand and like?
  • Which aspects of transparency and personal data (privacy) play a role in this, and what role do the developers and providers of technology play in this?

The ambition is also to find evidence that we have actually developed more responsible technology for children (in line with the principles of theory of change).

In this context, the University of Twente and Sound and Vision will conduct research in a 'living lab' setting in the Museum of Sound and Vision; children who visit the museum interact with various experimental versions of the robot, which can draw information from the archive of Sound and Vision. University of Twente and Sound and Vision both have a lot of experience with Living Labs, both in an academic and more practical context.

Project budget €550,000, whereby €261,000 PPS allowance is used.

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