Five major social issues

Mission-driven Innovation Policy

In 2018, Minister Wiebes and State Secretary Keijzer (both of Economic Affairs and Climate) coined the term "mission-driven innovation policy. A new strategy to accelerate major transitions. In a parliamentary letter, they stated that Dutch innovation policy should focus on five major societal themes:

  • Energy transition
  • Agriculture, water and food
  • Health and care
  • Safety
  • Circular economy

An explanation of innovation policy followed in 2019, stating that for each theme, a large number of parties must start working together. Indeed, the societal challenges we face today are so large and complex that they span multiple fields and thus require cross-sector collaboration.

The creative industry is an indispensable link in tackling these societal challenges. Complex, national problems require technological, social as well as cultural outcomes. The creative industry -with its creative ability and design power- can make an essential contribution here.

Purpose: to encourage collaboration

Within the "Mission-Driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy," the government challenges business, science and civil society organizations with concrete, ambitious, urgent and above all complex challenges for which no solution exists yet, but for which there is demand. These issues often cannot be solved with one new product or system, but are important to address. Consider, for example, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Mission-Driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy brings about cooperation between public and private parties.

5 themes and missions

Within the five societal themes, the cabinet has defined challenges. The themes and missions will guide policy, programming and funding within all top sectors in the coming years (2020 - 2023). For example, consider challenges such as: how will healthcare remain affordable and accessible to all? What can we do about climate change? How do we turn waste into valuable raw materials? And how do we stay ahead of threats to our security? With challenges like these, the Netherlands is aiming at 2030, 2050 and beyond.


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  • We are actively working to connect the integral, thematic agendas with our Power of Design Agenda. By being in dialogue with the government, with (creative) professionals and with researchers from the creative industry and other sectors, we create opportunities for the entire creative sector. Opportunities in the form of collaboration, and participation in programs and projects.

More agendas

Besides our own Power of Design Agenda, there are also the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Mission-Driven Innovation (KIA MV) and the KEM agenda. All have been drafted and are being implemented under the leadership of CLICKNL. The KIA MV forms the foundation, while the other two agendas provide more specific interpretation. The new KEM agenda (2024 - 2027) is under development.