MIT-scheme 2024

Contributing to transitions towards, for example, healthier aging, resilient, healthy nature, a circular economy, an inclusive society and a safe Netherlands to live and work in? The SME Innovation Stimulation Region and Top Sectors (MIT) of RVO makes it better for you as an entrepreneur. This subsidy scheme stimulates innovation projects within the SME, and can be just that little bit of support that makes that innovative intervention get off the ground.

The MIT stimulates SMEs to contribute to the knowledge and innovation agendas of the Missions for the Future.

The MIT scheme has four instruments for SMEs

  • Knowdledge vouchers
    Do you, as an SME, have a knowledge question about the innovation of your products, production processes or services? With a voucher you can have a question answered by a knowledge institution. The value of the voucher is up to 70% of the bill, or €5,250. Note: you can submit the same question with several companies at the same time, and thus use up to three vouchers (and the corresponding number of research hours) for one question! This scheme runs from April 9 to October 29, 2024.
  • R&D Collaboration
    Are you working with other SMEs to develop or innovate products, production processes or services? If so, you may be eligible for an R&D Collaboration Project. The amounts to apply for small collaboration projects are up to 35% of the eligible costs (maximum €571,428 and maximum €100,000 per participant), for large collaboration projects this is higher. Note: the scheme opens on June 11 and closes on September 17, 2024. This application is a tender.
  • R&D Collaboration AI
    Are you working with other SMEs to develop or innovate products, production processes or services within the AI theme? Does the project fit within the AI sub-theme of Digital Key Technology, and does it have an approach with an eye toward reliable and human-centered AI? Between March 19 and May 7, 2024, you can apply for up to 35% of total eligible costs, up to €350,000.
  • Feasibility projects
    No matter how good an innovation project is, without prior testing it can still fail. That is why you can apply for a subsidy in the form of an MIT feasibility project, to identify the technical and economic risks. This study can be a combination of a feasibility study, industrial research and/or experimental development, but at least 60% of the activities must be carried out under the heading of feasibility study. The grant is 35% of eligible costs with a maximum of €20,000. Note 1: This scheme runs from April 9 to September 17, 2024 and is on a first come, first served basis. So please submit your application as soon as possible starting April 9. Note 2: you apply for this instrument regionally where your company is located, and therefore not at RVO itself. To find more information about the scheme under feasibility projects, go to the website of the region where your company is registered, such as from the province of North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht or MIT Zuid.

The MIT Scheme
The MIT is aligned with the mission-driven innovation policy, which emphasizes working together to address societal challenges. The scheme is part of the Mission-Driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy in combination with the key technologies approach.

For more information, examples and to apply go to the website of RVO:

More info

Or you go to the MIT counter guide. This shows you the way to the right counter. So you know at which counter you can apply for the MIT.

In a row
Your application must...

  • Contribute to the transitions needed in view of the societal challenges from the mission-driven innovation policy.
    For this, see also the KIAs with their corresponding themes: Energy Transition, Circular Economy, Agriculture-Water-Food, Health & Care, Safety, as well as the cross-cutting KIA Social Earning Capacity (KIA MV). You can find them here.

  • To lead to the development of integrated and innovative interventions.
    The interventions must be meaningful, desirable and viable, and any technology must be used and developed in the service of people and society. The interventions(products, services or processes) can be either physical or virtual.

  • Accelerate innovation and strengthen the competitiveness of Dutch industry.
    Accelerating innovation is crucial to address societal challenges in a timely and effective manner. This requires an approach in which the approach and solutions are, among other things, embedded in the regional context, as described in the KIA MV. Scalability and an economic return are indispensable.

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The role of the creative industry

Creative SMEs are indispensable in finding solutions to major societal challenges. As a sector, we develop products, services and interventions that help people to make the right choices, to inform them, to live more sustainable and healthier lives, and to embed new technologies in valuable new applications.

In everything we do, people are at the center.

Whether on a large or small scale, tangible or virtual. This is how we strengthen the innovation capacity of the Netherlands and, more importantly, society. At the same time, these are opportunities for the sector to invest in. With good preparation and research, you can become a frontrunner.

Want to know more about how design power contributes to transitions? And about what we as a sector have to do? Read our 'Agenda Ontwerpkracht'!


This message is for informational purposes only and is intended to make you aware of potential opportunities. The exact rules and conditions for participation can be found on the website of Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) and the website of the region in which your company is registered. Please note that no rights can be derived from the information on the CLICKNL website. All applications should be submitted through RVO. Please note that amounts and call texts are subject to change and that the text on the official website is leading at all times.