• blokken algemeen

    • Title: The Public Design Practice
    • What: strengthening collaboration between the design sector and public sector organizations
    • Input: CLICKNL co-directs and is closely involved in the 'development workplace'
    • Duration: 2023 - 2027
    • Key words: government, design approach, design power, knowledge development
    • Project partners: Dutch Design Foundation, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

We as a society increasingly face complex social challenges. Think of the housing shortage, environmental pollution and the shortage of teachers. Often these issues are intertwined in different domains, do not have a single owner and cannot be solved in a single step. Governments have an important role in these issues but cannot always confront them.

A bridge between government and the design sector
Especially where issues are complex, a design approach can open up processes and provide new solution directions and perspectives. More and more designers are working within or with government organizations on these issues; we call these “public design practices". In their work, public design practices encounter challenges because government and design are based on different logics. Therefore, PONT develops knowledge, organizational culture and infrastructure to strengthen public design practices.

Program Development
The coalition agreement of 2021 confirms the need to involve creative industries in societal challenges and allocates 9 million to make this a reality. State Secretary Gunay Uslu writes: “The innovative power of the creative industries is great. Makers and institutions in design disciplines such as architecture, design and digital culture can make an important contribution to addressing societal challenges, such as energy transition and housing challenges. Designers have the knowledge and skill to show the possible future and alternatives with imagination."

In collaboration with CLICKNL, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Regieorgaan SIA, Federatie Creatieve Industrie, Topteam Creatieve Industrie, the Pilot Program Design-based Approach (POA) was developed in 2023. During the pilot, over 600 designers and officials were involved to get a good understanding of the collaboration between design and government. After approval of the program proposal, the program landed within the Dutch Design Foundation (DDF), where The Public Design Practice Programme (PONT) was officially launched in October 2023. CLICKNL co-directs the program with DDF.