call for SMEs

Participation in dialogue session National KEM strategy

On Monday, September 11, CLICKNL is organizing a dialogue session around the national strategy for Key Enabling Methodologies. The purpose of this day is to prioritize which methodologies should be invested in in the coming years from the innovation policy. Participating in the dialogue sessions are representatives from the private sector, SMEs, research, government and from the so-called TKIs, the knowledge and innovation networks of the top sectors. The SME dialogue session will last about 2.5 hours.

You can register for the dialogue session via this link*
*There are a limited number of spots available. Depending on the number of applications, we will make a selection. We ask all invitees to complete an online questionnaire about the KEMs in advance.

About the KEM Strategy
Key Enabling Methodologies (KEMs), also called key methodologies, are the change professional's toolbox. They are methods and practices used to solve societal transition issues. Consider the energy transition, the transition to a circular economy, increasing safety or sustainable food and water supplies. They often involve a design and solution-oriented approach and require both individual and collective behavioral change.

For a number of years, we have had a special research agenda for the KEMs in the Netherlands. This is part of the Dutch innovation policy focused on social missions and top sectors. In 2024 a national KEM strategy will be added, setting priorities for investment in the (continued) development of KEMs in the coming years. The Netherlands occupies a unique position in this; internationally such strategies do not really exist and the term 'key enabling methodologies', although in English, is a Dutch invention. The KEM Agenda and KEM Strategy are coordinated by CLICKNL, the knowledge and innovation network of the creative industry.

About the dialogue session
For the KEM Strategy we are trying to gain insight into what, according to substantive experts and practitioners:

The KEMs that the Netherlands is good at in terms of knowledge development and application, and which KEMs are lagging behind,
for which KEMs there is a high or low demand for further development in the coming years.

Via the aforementioned questionnaire we collect input that serves as a basis for the dialogue session. The session is so named because two groups will engage in a dialogue with each other: the research/education community and SMEs. A more detailed agenda and discussion guide will follow.

We hope to see you there.
