KEM-agenda handed over to Minister Adriaansens, of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy

-The new KEM agenda is now available online at

On June 13, 2024 the KEM agenda (Key Enabling Methodologies agenda), part of the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Social Earning Capacity 2024-2027 (KIA MV), was handed over in an official moment to Minister Adriaansens, of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. This gave the official go-ahead for making the agenda publicly available. The agenda is an indispensable tool for researchers, policy makers and applicators working on transition issues. It provides a comprehensive overview of essential methods and practices to address societal challenges, and points the way to the research needed for the coming years. Read the agenda and take the first step toward effective and innovative solutions.

In the presence of Paul Hekkert (TU Delft, Top Sector Creative Industry), Jann de Waal (Top Sector Creative Industry), Mariska van der Giessen (Regieorgaan SIA), Anne Fleur van Veenstra (TNO), Barbara Oomen (hbo-thematafel Maatschappelijk Verdienvermogen) and Martijn Arnoldus (CLICKNL), Minister Adriaansens, of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy received the KEM agenda. Revised in close cooperation with more than 50 experts from the field over the past year, it provides direction for the necessary research on Key Enabling Methodologies (KEMs). These methods, strategies, practices and tools are essential for creative professionals and researchers in addressing societal challenges and transitions. In terms of content, the research agenda (KEM agenda) elaborates on the (groups of) methods and the further research needed for this.

Unique in the Netherlands
For several years now we have had a special research agenda for the KEMs in the Netherlands. This is part of the Dutch innovation policy focused on social missions and top sectors. With this agenda and the national KEM strategy, the Netherlands occupies a unique position; internationally there are no such strategies. The term "key enabling methodologies", although in English, is a Dutch invention, which incidentally is gradually finding its way abroad.

Key Enabling Methodologies
Our society faces several major social and transition issues. For example, how do we create a healthier environment and build restoration of nature? How do we make healthcare more affordable and at the same time more humane? Change is needed to make our world more social and sustainable, and we must initiate that change ourselves. We do this by developing innovations and interventions that help us look, think and act differently, and that help shape our living world.

KEMs play a key role in this process. They are (design) methods that provide professionals with an effective and focused approach to developing innovations and interventions. Thus, KEMs contribute to bringing about the needed changes.

Discover the new KEM agenda
