New event: Exceed - Expand

On Tuesday 26 September, between 13.00 and 18.00, we will organise an event for the entire Exceed network at the Centraal Ketelhuis in Amersfoort! Now that the first focal themes are known, it's time to expand the network, test thoughts, prepare for the research call from NWO and initiate mutual knowledge sharing. Sign up!

Next period, three working groups will start up around themes on which we as Exceed either want to define experiments, or build on them in other ways. The first insights and ideas from these working groups will be presented to you on 26 September. These include the following themes:

  • rule-free or regulatory-free environments;
  • long-term financing of labs;
  • knowledge transfer between and about experimental environments.

Connecting with SMEs
Besides the themes of the working groups, on this day we want to focus on SMEs in and around experimentation environments. Despite experimental environments being triple or even quadruple helix connections, evaluations repeatedly show that the connection between experimental environments and the private sector, and SMEs in particular, leaves much to be desired. Private parties who do want to, by no means always manage to connect to a relevant experimentation environment. Why is that? And how can we structurally improve this situation?

After a plenary part in which we will share updates on the state of play of the programme and give a short introduction to the substantive themes, we will engage in break-outs in different rounds on the themes of the working groups and connecting SMEs. We will come back in plenary to share findings over drinks, and get to know each other further.

We look forward to welcoming you. Do you know more relevant parties who might find this event interesting? If so, please forward the event and the invitation. In connection with one of the themes, additional registrations from SMEs are particularly appreciated!

Location & Time
Tuesday 26 September, 13.00 - 18.00 including drinks
Centraal Ketelhuis, Soesterweg 320, 3812 BH Amersfoort (10-minute walk from Amersfoort Central Station)

Sign up

Exceed was launched on 8 March 2023 as a new programme and the new network of experts and experience experts around experimental environments. The programme, fully named Expert Coalition for Experimental Environment Development, is an initiative of several top sectors and cooperation partners from the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant. As part of the programme, a research call is currently being prepared on experimental environments as methodology, from NWO.

Interested in participating in a working group? Let us know!
Want to know more about Exceed? Check out this page.
