On 26 March 2018, the Field Lab Virtual Worlds launched a second call for projects around heritage and Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Media Perspectives, Beeld en Geluid and the Meertens Institute organised a special gathering for heritage institutions and VR/AR/MR makers. During the meetup the different parties got together to explore the possibilities for projects. Over 20 heritage institutions and VR/AR/MR makers registered for a pitch.
In addition to the exploration of possibilities for new projects, attention was also given to the winners of the first call. The in October granted projects “Time Windows” and “Rembrandt Privé” presented their progress.
Rembrandt Privé
As part of the Year of Rembrandt in 2019, the 350th anniversary of the grand master’s death, Synergique and the Amsterdam Municipal Archive created an exhibition about the private life of Rembrandt. Ludger Smit, head of presentation at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive, shares that original pieces and works are supplied with visual context through the use of augmented reality. Visitors can use an iPad to view, among others, translated archive records. In addition, records have been brought together that have never been seen together before. The exhibition opens in November.
Time Windows
Marc van Hasselt is co-founder of Novitas Heritage. They focus on connecting heritage institutions and museums with new presentation and experience techniques. The project “Time Windows” is literally about windows into the past. In pop-up escape games, different game elements in the real world will be combined with puzzles in the virtual space. Marc shares that Homo Ludens, the playing man, is the focal point. A pilot is currently running, which can be seen in the Museum for Religious Arts in Uden.
1 minute for heritage institutions and VR/AR/MR makers
During the meetup VR/AR/MR makers introduced themselves and heritage institutions shared their ultimate dream with regards to VR/AR/MR applications inside their institute. Below is an overview of the heritage institutes and VR/AR/MR makers that pitched.
Heritage institutions
Tjarda de Haan from Atria Kennisinstituut voor Emancipatie en Vrouwengeschiedenis
Elles van Vegchel and Bea Nieuwenhuis from the TextielMuseum
Lotte Wilms from the Koninklijke bibliotheek van Nederland
Susan Leclercq from Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis
Wendy Presser and Mariska Sturkenboom from Dedicon
Mieke Krijger from the Jordaanmuseum
VR/AR/MR makers
Alfred Mareille from Zeezeilen
Rudolf Romero from Alkonost Development
Stephan van der Feest from Virtual Play
Brechtje Smidt from VR Explorers
Henri Smeets from c360.nl
Raymond van Ophoven from VRPodia
Jessica de Wal from Virtual Fantastic
Roelof de Vries from Skeye BV
Paul Melis from SURFsara
Rudi Nieuwenhuis from Thing.nl
Elvin Dechesne from Ordina
Detlef la Grand from VRMaster
Ramon Verberne from Hammersmith Hardmen Media
Demien Albers from Studio APVIS
Don Blaauw from No More Mondays
Wieke Schrakamp from IJsfontein