As of today, the grant call 'Residents in focus areas on the move through the power of professional soccer' is open. With this subsidy call, Sportinnovator in collaboration with ZonMw and CLICKNL wants to strengthen and scale up existing innovative interventions of professional soccer organizations (BVO's), which will get more adults in attention areas moving and playing sports.

For whom
This call offers the opportunity for collaborating parties to receive funding for a two-year project. In a project proposal, a BVO with an existing successful approach collaborates with another BVO who also wants to implement the successful approach. Both BVOs further cooperate with a knowledge institution and the Eredivisie CV. It is an advantage if a design agency, municipalities and social institution also participate.

A maximum grant of 165,000 euros can be applied for to strengthen and scale up an existing innovative intervention. 50% co-financing is mandatory. A total of 500,000 euros is available. A project has a maximum duration of 24 months and must (primarily) focus on adults from focus areas who exercise and sport relatively little.

For more information and submission dates click here.

This notice is for informational purposes only and is intended to make you aware of potential opportunities. The exact rules and conditions for participation can be found on the Sportinnovator website. Please note that no rights can be derived from the information on the CLICKNL website. Please note that amounts and call texts are subject to change and that the text on the official website is leading at all times.
