Fieldlab Events has started
The Field Lab Events, which is mainly focused on bringing the event industry back to the old normal, has officially started!
The Field Lab is a joint initiative from the events sector, united in the EventPlatform and the Alliance of Event Builders and the Government. It was set up in part with scientists and knowledge institutions, the Top Sectors Creative Industries and Life, Sciences & Health and CLICKNL. The programme is supported by the Ministries of VWS, OCW, EZK and JenV. The last necessary steps were taken with the composition of the Steering Committee, the Programme Team and the launch of the website. The Field Lab Events has been set up to collect the many research questions and initiatives, to bring them together and to give direction to expansion.
The Field Lab Events is aimed at returning to full operation for the events sector as quickly as possible. Building blocks are developed in close collaboration between companies, governments, interest groups and the public. These serve as proof of a safe and reliable approach. This involves looking at the unique characteristics of events such as the type of visitors (business or public), situation (inside or outside), design (static or dynamic). By inventorying, testing, bundling and validating initiatives from within and outside the event sector.
Parties within and outside the event industry are asked to submit ideas via the website The programme team maps out the various ideas and ensures the implementation of a test phase. The research teams are formed as occasional combinations of primary scientist(s) supplemented by sector expert(s). The Field Lab Events also looks at initiatives abroad.
Initiatives are converted into concrete pilots during live events, so that scientific validation is realised. Fast results, in a controlled, safe and reliable way. The building blocks (actions, solutions, technologies and specific activities) that are created in this way can then be broadly expanded.
Results and purpose
Successful building blocks are brought to the government, with the aim of accelerating the Corona roadmap to 100% occupation. The Field Lab also distributes the test results. That way, successful and approved initiatives quickly become available to the entire industry.