Open call
Open call NWA - Climate adaptation and health
This call for proposals calls upon knowledge institutions, civil society organisations and other interested parties to develop practice-oriented research proposals on the theme ‘Climate adaptation and health: A healthy living environment for people, animals and plants in times of climate change’. The consortia to be formed will work in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner and across the entire knowledge chain. Make sure your pre-registration is sent before 3 June, 2021.
Climate change is considered to be one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Despite the efforts to prevent further climate change, various sectors of society will need to radically adjust to the consequences of climate change, by climate adaptation. In the current Dutch climate adaptation policy, the emphasis is on the physical living environment. The physical design and quality of the living environment is, however, closely connected with social aspects and has both a direct and indirect influence on the health of people, plants, animals and the environment. This research programme aims for adaptation measures at the interface of the physical environment, health care and the social domain. An integral and interdisciplinary approach is required. The aim is to develop potential courses of action that connect to other transition challenges and policies. Distinction is made between research with a focus on urban or rural areas.
For whom?
Proposals should be submitted by a consortium in which the various types of research in the knowledge chain and civil society organisations must be represented. The composition of the consortium should reflect the inter- and transdisciplinary character of the research proposal. Important aspects are the inclusion of research expertise from the different relevant disciplines, and knowledge and experience from the implementation and/or policy practice for all 3 domains stated, namely the health care, physical environment and social domain.
The deadline for submitting pre-proposals is Thursday 3 June 2021, before 14:00 hours CES(S)T.