The MIT-scheme is almost opening again

Also in 2021, the government and the regions will jointly make money available for the so-called MIT-scheme. The SME-innovation stimulation Region and Top sectors (MIT) scheme stimulates innovation in small and medium-sized businesses, within the four mission themes (Energy transition & Sustainability, Agriculture, Water & Food, Health & Care and Safety). The MIT Feasibility is expected to be opened in mid-April 2021 and has a 'first come, first serve' principle. So be quick and prepare your application in advance! Keep an eye on us for the exact date your application should be on the virtual doormat.

The MIT-scheme
Aging healthier, sufficient clean water, plastic-free waters, sufficient and healthy food, a safe Netherlands to live and work. This is just a small selection of the many societal challenges that require new transitions. And you, as a creative professional, can contribute to those! But, of course, you'll need money for that. That is why, as an SME, you can turn to the RVO to participate in the MIT scheme.

The MIT scheme has three instruments for SMEs

  • Feasibility projects
    Do you want to carry out a feasibility project to map the technical and economic risks of a proposed innovation project? Such as a literature search, market survey or industrial research? For feasibility studies that last no longer than a year.

  • R&D Cooperation
    Do you work with other SMEs to develop or innovate products, production processes or services?

  • Knowledge vouchers
    Focused on coming into contact with knowledge institutions and making better use of available knowledge.

Your application must contribute to the societal challenges in the mission-driven top sector policy, lead to the development of an integrated and innovative solution and bring about an acceleration of innovation and strengthen the competitive strength of the Dutch industries.

More on the MIT-scheme

Also keep an eye on the RVO website!
