The joint advice “Naturally Sustainable” from the top sectors Creative Industry and Energy and team IT to Ed Nijpels, chairman of the climate negotiations, have been incorporated in the climate agreement. “Naturally Sustainable” advises to put the societal challenge of change, and therefore people, at the center of solving climate challenges.

The advice to take the societal side of things on board has been incorporated as a sector-overarching innovative challenge in the deal. In the paragraph “The innovation program under the Climate Agreement”, it reads: “The transition is first and foremost a societal transition”. This is positive, also according to Victor van der Chijs, chairman of the steering group behind the crossover advice: “Getting people on board will be the biggest challenge. Social, non-technological innovations will be important for this as well.”

Put people at the center
The two top sectors and team IT have said the advice to put people’s needs, living environment and behavior at the center is vital to generating new solutions. Van der Chijs: “The transitions will ask us to adapt our life style, which will change living as well as mobility and circular design of systems and products will become the standard. The advice is aimed at changing our stance, the way we design the system and the design of products and services.”

There are two routes for this advice. The first route is aimed at the short term approach to make current solutions more accepted with the help of experimental, mission driven and designing approaches. To connect the two, the top sectors have proposed a focused cooperation in the form of a program from the top sectors. It is about social innovation that fits in with the creative industry and uses innovative digitalization like big data and artificial intelligence in the energy transition. This advice is taken on board in the further development of the climate agreement’s integral knowledge and innovation program.

Read the advice
The advice of the three top sectors can now be downloaded from here or can be seen below.
