Power of Design & Transitions projects announced

A selection of project ideas has been made within the Power of Design & Transitions programme.The project teams will have a chance to develop their idea into a project plan in the coming months.

The new Programme on Power of Design & Transitions is committed to developing knowledge and methods that allow us to better design for transitions. Because whether it is about designing for a climate resistant, healthy or a safe Netherlands: designing for transitions requires strengthening design power. The new knowledge and methods that design practice needs and insights into how to optimally deploy power of design for these complex themes require research.

After the launch of the call for proposals on October 7, 2024, interested parties from the creative industry and knowledge sector were able to discuss their project idea, fine tune it and make new connections. They did so during a matchmaking and on the online bulletin board, among others. Early this year, 51 project ideas were submitted, of which 50 were declared admissible. These ideas were mostly a joint initiative of knowledge institutions and creative parties, and the project ideas submitted were of high quality.

After careful and intensive deliberation, the CLICKNL programme council made a selection of five project ideas that together encompass the spectrum of knowledge development in the context of designing for transitions.

The five selected project ideas are, in alphabetical order:

Care Repair
Partners: NewTexEco represented by: ArtEZ (lectorate Fashion, lectorate Art and design education) & Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Fashion Research & Technology, Amsterdam School of International Business), Milieu Centraal, Fabriek Fris, Mended, Leemans & Wicker, morgenmakers.

Living environment of tomorrow: from ambition to action with design power.
Partners: Fontys, Living LAB 040, KAW architects, Van Tuijn Stedenbouw, KaiserVR, P&H Adviseurs, intended partner: Municipality of Eindhoven.

MVEs in agrofood.
Partners: Wageningen University & Research, Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Dutch Design Foundation, East Agency, Circle Farming.

Partners: UvA Center for research on Children, Adolescents, and the Media (CcaM), Youth Co-Creation Center of Expertise (YCCCE, Convergence), Marcel Schouwenaar, Muzus, TodayTomorrow, Municipality of Amsterdam (Online Living World Youth Program), NEMO Science Museum, BeUbuntu Foundation, KidsRights, MindUS, Stichting Kinderpostzegels, KPN, AMS.

Systemic interventions with impact: designing the new elder care.
Partners: Hogeschool Inholland - Lectureship Societal Impact Design (ism SIA SPRONG group Expertise Network Systemic Co-design), morgenmakers, ActiZ, Simac, Precies!

The above ideas each address a different societal challenge and operate in different domains. Moreover, each project addresses a different part of the development process of interventions, and together the projects address the themes from the Agenda for Power of Design. In addition, together they represent the creative sector in breadth, both in creative disciplines and in knowledge disciplines. The programme council is confident that the chosen projects will form an interesting community and that they will produce solid, relevant and valuable results, maximising the gains for the sector.

Next steps

The project teams of the selected ideas have until May 7 to develop their ideas into plans. They will do this in 'co-creation' with CLICKNL. The project teams are also organising networking events to further develop their ideas and consortium. At the end of May, the programme council advises the CLICKNL board on the elaborated project plans, after which the board decides on the allocation of funds to the projects.

Stay informed

Is your project idea not selected? Or would you still like to participate? Who knows, maybe you can still join one of the selected projects. The good news is that CLICKNL will open a second Power of Design & Transitions call, probably before summer. And, when the selected projects actually start in the Fall of 2025, they will be doing relevant knowledge and insights sharing with the creative industry. So keep an eye on us, via the bulletin board, the newsletter, and the CLICKNL channels.
