Open call: join the KEMs Expert Sessions ‘From paper to practice’
When it comes to innovation issues, the right use of methodologies is as important as the application of technologies. Therefore, CLICKNL will organize the expert sessions ‘From paper to practice’ at Social Impact Factory, Utrecht, on 19 and 26 November 2024. There are several spots available for open registration. You can register via this form.
The goal
Use of methods is crucial to realize innovative solutions for social challenges, a strong economy and accelerating transitions. We now have a good idea of which methods can play a key role. Eleven categories of 'key enabling methodologies' (KEMs) are distinguished in the national KEM agenda. But we know less about how these methods are fruitfully applied within projects that focus on such social challenges. This, in turn, raises questions such as how a selection is made of methods that will be used, how methods can or cannot be applied in practice, and what contribution the methods really make to the outcomes of the project.
We will work on these themes with researchers, designers and (other) project leads during two expert sessions in November 2024. The underlying goal is to compile practical guidelines for the effective use of methods for innovative solutions for social challenges - in particular the missions as defined in Dutch innovation policy (see below). These guidelines are not only intended for parties that set up and implement projects, such as researchers, entrepreneurs, and societal organizations, but also for parties that set the framework for such projects through calls, regulations and assignments. Think of funds, subsidy providers and other financiers, TKIs, governments and contracting parties.
Expert session programme
During the expert session, we will work on three themes based on cases and experiences submitted by the participants:
- The choice of the methods to be used in a project
- Applicability of those methods in practice
- The impact of those methods on the outcomes of the project
There are two dates on which we will hold an expert session. You can choose between either one. To be clear: you only pick one date. It is not necessary to participate twice. In preparation, we ask you to think of a project that you are currently working on or have worked on. Preferably, pick a project (1) in which multiple parties are (were) involved in the implementation, (2) in which solutions for a social challenge are or were being worked on, (3) and that has been completed in the past year and a half or that has been finished for at least half. After registering for an expert session, you will receive a detailed briefing from us.
A maximum of 30 people can participate per expert session. In each session there will be both Dutch and English tables. We are counting on participants from the full spectrum of the five mission themes that are central to Dutch innovation policy:
- Energy transition (climate and energy)
- Circular economy
- Agriculture, water, food
- Health and care
- Safety
You can choose from one of the following dates:
- Tuesday, 19 November 2024, 13:30-16:30 with drinks afterwards, at Social Impact Factory Utrecht, location Kromme Nieuwegracht 3
- Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 13:30-16:30 with drinks afterwards, at Social Impact Factory Utrecht, location Vredenburg 40
Registration is easy via this online form. NB: We have limited capacity! After registration, you will receive confirmation and further information. If you have any questions about the sessions, please contact Martijn Arnoldus, programme manager KEMs,
About Key Enabling Methodologies
Key enabling methodologies (KEMs) are methods that highlight the various facets of an innovation issue in a coherent manner and that involve relevant stakeholders in the process. Methods are ‘key enabling’ when they are particularly suitable for tackling societal challenges.
In June 2024, CLICKNL presented the KEM agenda 2024-2027, in which eleven categories of KEMs are distinguished. For each category, the ‘state of the art’ is outlined and research questions for the coming years are elaborated. These eleven categories each cover an aspect of innovation processes around societal challenges. KEMs include a large variety of working methods that offer practical tools, but are rarely step-by-step plans that follow a well-trodden path. Methods are adapted to the local context in practice, refined and expanded.
That is why CLICKNL will be investing in a better understanding of the applicability of KEMs in practice in the coming years. The KEM agenda can be downloaded via the online platform for KEMs: (English version coming soon). On the platform you can also find various cases and more information about the origin of KEMs and our ambitions for the future.