We are data. Our every action, every emotion is data. This data is stored and presented as truth, beyond our control. How can we take back and maintain ownership of our personal information? Fontys University for ICT, WE ARE DATA and Status.im share insights in a personal-data future beyond the current data-monopolists, based on the latest developments in data acquisition, block chain and profiling (online and offline). Today's session will focus on the ethical aspects of data. Will blockchain be the future for our extremely personal data like medical dossiers. We will give insights in how you can empower yourself and take your data into our own hands. This sessions will be live-streamed on www.youtube.com/c/Statusim/live.
Please visit the WE ARE DATA Mirror Room to get the real life experience of how it feels to 'become data'. The WE ARE DATA Mirror Room is placed at the entrance of the NATLAB. More info: www.wearedata.nl.