eHealth for healthy ageing, get inspired! Part 1

  • TALK

Join the kick-off of the ten public-private partnership projects and the overarching project awarded a ZonMw grant within the Create Health programme!

In two subsequent blocks (click here for part 2) the ten projects are presented. The overarching project ‘Creative & Health Innovation Ways of Working Analysis (CHIWAWA)’, that was set up to find generic knowledge and insights from the ten projects, is presented too.

The goal of this meeting is to introduce the projects to the broad fields of the creative and healthcare/welfare sectors, making a first step towards collaboration and creating support for the outcomes of these projects. In addition, this meeting shows concrete examples of what collaborations between creative and healthcare/welfare can result in.

Learn more about these projects and get connected!

The Create Health projects relate to the development of knowledge of eHealth for the creative industries and for healthcare and welfare under one or more of the three themes concerning elderly people or the process of ageing:
1. Home care and self-management: longer independent with dementia;
2. Preventing overweight: prevention through changes in lifestyle;
3. Preventing loneliness: ensuring that vulnerable elderly people do not become lonely.
The overarching project will research the use of creative methodology at meta level in the above-mentioned Create Health projects and the added value of this methodology for achieving new innovation in the healthcare sector. The project will also investigate how this added value is accomplished.

Programme Part 1

Creating Impact
The first five Create Health projects present a 2-minute elevator pitch. One of the project leaders will be asked to elaborate on how the project will contribute to healthy aging. Next, the audience will develop a Contribution Map. Project members of the ten projects will develop a Contribution Map for their own project to get more insight in the ways their project team and the stakeholders involved can create impact in the different stages of the project. The audience who is not (yet) involved in one of the ten projects will develop a Contribution Map to get more insight in the way they (as an individual) can contribute to one of the three themes and they are challenged to think about the way the can contribute to one of these ten projects.

During the break participants are invited to mingle with participants from your own sector and discuss assumptions and prejudices you might have about people from other sectors.

Create Health
The ZonMw Create Health programme aims to help address the societal challenge of ensuring that people enjoy an active old age. It will do so by bringing together parties from the creative industries and from the healthcare and welfare sector, supporting the development and sharing of knowledge, providing access to funding and assisting with scaling-up. More information about the Create Health programme and projects can be found on the ZonMw website.

Foto Simone

Simone de Graaf

Simone de Graaf is programme manager at ZonMw and responsible for several public private partnership programs, including the Create Health programme. She has broad experience in stimulating eHealth implementation and up scaling via funding programs. In addition, she organises activities to assist entrepreneurs in finding partners and funding opportunities in Europe

Foto Daan Andriessen
Creative & Health Innovation Ways of Working Analysis (CHIWAWA)

Daan Andriessen

Daan Andriessen is, since 2013, a lecturer in Methodology of practical research at the Hogeschool Utrecht. He focusses on the ongoing professionalisation of practical research at hbo. The lectorate researches useful methods and techniques for practical research as well as useful methods to help students and teachers learn to perform research.

Foto Remko van der Lugt2
Creative & Health Innovation Ways of Working Analysis (CHIWAWA)

Remko van der Lugt

Remko is a lecturer in Co-design at the Hogeschool Utrecht and researches the involvement of people in innovation projects since 2007. He emphasizes how tools, methods, skills and attitude of designers help accelerate complex innovation projects. He combines the knowledge of co-design with systematic thinking while being inspired by, amongst others: Theory U, transition management and systemic work.

Foto Pieter van Gorp (GOAL)
Gamification for Overweight prevention and Active Lifestyle (GOAL)

Pieter van Gorp

Pieter Van Gorp is program manager of health data science at the Data Science Center Eindhoven (DSCE within Eindhoven University of Technology). His personal research focuses on the architecture and design of personal health data platforms. Within the GOAL project, he collaborates with experts in work psychology, health promoting urban architecture and health gamification.

Foto Thomas van Rompay (Growing Roots)
Growing Roots: Connecting Elderly through Virtual Nature Spaces

Thomas van Rompay

Thomas van Rompay is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Science of the University of Twente (UT). He has a background in cognitive psychology and pursued his PhD at TU Delft. His current projects take place on the threshold of design and psychology where he studies, amongst others, influences of environmental design and technology on health and wellbeing.

Foto Natalia Romero-bw-400
Mixed methods for monitoring food intake: Towards a new generation of ehealth prevention apps

Natalia Romero Herrera & Sonja van Oers (Duopitch)

Dr. Natalia Romero Herrera works as an Assistant Professor in User-centred design at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering in Delft. Her research line covers the development of in-situ data-centric methodologies to generate contextual knowledge of people’s daily life activities, by people themselves. In the field of healthcare, application areas are personal and health informatics, eHealth and self-management.

Healthy Story Telling: Storytelling as a persuasive eHealth element to motivate people with low literacy skills for obesity prevention.

Valentijn Visch

Valentijn Visch is associate professor at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. He conducts and supervises theoretical, empirical and design research in the area of Persuasive Game Design, often with mental healthcare as application domain. His design research is creative, user-experience centered and typically involves multidisciplinary teams like creative industry, healthcare institutions, patients, medical practitioners, and researchers from various domains. Valentijn chairs the eHealth Design lab at the TU Delft and has a background in literature (MA), art theory (MA), animation (NIAf), cognitive film studies (PhD) and emotion research (PD). Valentijn recently coordinates a project on storytelling as a persuasive design tool for eHealth.

Emely de Vet portretfoto
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Emely de Vet

Emely de Vet is professor in health communication and behaviour change at Wageningen University. Her research aims to improve our understanding of healthy and unhealthy behaviours. These behavioural insights are used for intervention development, evaluation and implementation. Behaviour change interventions are rooted in communication, technology or spatial design. Interventions include nudging, gamification, virtual agents and location-based monitoring and feedback systems.