• Digital Society

    Donderdag 26-10

  • DRIVE 2022 - Immersive Content patroon


- Civic Robots - red
Prototyping a place for robots in a civic society
by: Tomasz Jaskiewicz, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences; Iskander Smit, Foundation Cities of Things

"The Cities of Things Lab 010 project builds upon the broader research into the relation we, as citizens, have with new “citythings" that already start to populate our cities (Lupetti et al., 2018). As part of the Lab, we have developed a low-cost kit for building neighborhood robots, or “wijkbots”. In co-creation with citizens of Rotterdam, we have used this kit to create a variety of wijkbot prototypes. Through that, we investigated ways in which neighbourhood robots can be part of local communities, stimulate local entrepreneurship, or trigger systemic transformations, while also introducing new risks and ethical dilemmas. The prototypes also enabled a broader, critical reflection on the interactions between the robots and the local residents, forming together one digital society.

The research provided use with new insights on approaches for establishing balanced relationships between humans and robots in the context of several cases in the city of Rotterdam. We are now eager to extrapolate and relate these findings to other communities, cities and opportunities, while exploring new forms of civic engagement emerging in the envisioned robot-inclusive digital society.

In the working session we will investigate the applicability of the Wijkbot kit to cases brought forth by workshop participants, both in respect to the development of new kinds of neighbourhood robots, as well as exploring specific aspects of their interactions with individuals, communities and systems. We will share our experiences on the methodology and the open-source toolkit and facilitate further knowledge and know-how exchange through the growing www.wijkbot.nl online platform. Through this, we hope to initiate new collaborations with other researchers and practitioners, and next iterations of involved research and its applications."

- Careful AI futures - blue
Using care perspective for responsible AI development
by: Meike Hardt, Karin Bogdanova, Delft University of Technology

"Goal: To explore how notions of "care" could be used as a fruitful perspective to guide responsible and ethical AI development with a group of researchers and practitioners

To care It is to express love and commitment but also to allow yourself to be burdened and disquieted. It is to strive to provide protection for the vulnerable, but also to grapple with the trap of gaining dominance over them. Therefore, designing from the perspective of care encourages taking the account of the asymmetries in power relations, the mutual responsiveness, and relational justice.

In this workshop, our aim is to discuss questions such as:

  • how care could shape the way AI research and development is practiced,
  • how care might enable designers to take action in areas related to social justice, inclusivity, and democratic participation in society.
  • how care perspectives can inform future scenarios of alternative human-AI relationships.

During the workshop, we will identify core issues and concerns and co-create approaches to operationalize care in two cases, namely

  • using personal sensing technologies for mental health:
  1. Can medical surveillance be redesigned into a practice of care?
  2. How can AI become a part of a care network of people experiencing mental distress?
  • AI-driven decision-making systems for public spheres.
  1. Can care perspectives lead to the design of democratic and fair AI systems in public spheres?
  2. What alternative future scenarios can we think of through the lens of care for democratic, responsible and fair human-AI relationships?"

  • Circular Design patroon - DRIVE 2022
  • Designing the Circular Economy

    Woensdag 25-10


- Tools for repurpose - red
*How to start a repurpose-driven design process? *
by: Jeroen van Vorsselen and Inge Oskam, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

"Residual streams already have a history, functionality and form, with varying availability, quality and quantity. Therefore, designing new products based on residual streams requires a different approach from the generic design process. The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences has developed a framework and tools that can be used as a boundary tool for designers and other professionals.

The goal of this workshop is to transfer the repurpose driven design approach and discussing its merits. Using the framework, we explain in what ways designing with residuals differs from existing design processes. We will then introduce four tools that can be used to generate a design brief in the initial phase of the design process. For most of the session, participants will use two of the tools with a well-known and substantial residual stream in the Netherlands, consisting of old inner and outer bicycle tyres. After discussing the participants' findings with the tools, the workshop will conclude with a discussion on the applicability of the tool in practice."

Reusable Packaging – matching opportunities and complexity - yellow
Panel discussion
Moderated by: Siem Haffmans, transition booster circular packaging, Partners for Innovation
Panel: Marcel Keuenhof KIDV, Roger Zambrano, Van Berlo/Accenture (and others …)

"How can we together leverage reusable packaging beyond pilots?

One of the biggest challenges of the circular economy is the scaling up effectively.
Worldwide, only 9% of plastic packaging materials are recycled, locking the industry into extractive models from which we must urgently move away. Reusable packaging holds promise as a solution, yet the significant hurdle remains: effective scalability. This challenge isn't unique, as it plagues most circular economy solutions. Large-scale reuse systems for consumer packaging are rare, and initiatives tend to stay at startup scale, stifling broader implementation.
In this panel discussion, we will investigate the strategies for achieving the scalability of circular models in the FMCG industry."

Circular Care Compass for Designers - blue
Driving Fair Systemic Change in the Circular Economy through Design
by: Jesus Muñoz-Alcantara, Mendel Broekhuijsen, Ecoforma

"The Circular Care Compass is an essential tool for designers in the Circular Economy. It offers a framework for guiding design decisions and driving systemic change. By incorporating the Compass into their process, designers can create products that align with circular principles, minimizing environmental impact and promoting sustainability. In this workshop, we explore the key features and benefits of the Circular Care Compass, emphasizing its role in fostering a more fair, sustainable and regenerative approach to product design.

Participants will apply the method into their own product and processes. We expect a Critical eye to see how the compass fits in existing approaches, processes and flows. We will close the session with a discussion on how the method might work next to the participant’s own design processes, from User Centered Design cycle, to waterfall to fully scrum and how it connects to and fits in with other design-oriented design research approaches."

  • Future Living Environments

    Dinsdag 24-10

  • DRIVE 2022 - Public Space Design patroon


- Collective Imagination for Transformative Futures - blue
Design, Climate Change and Urban Transformations
by: Dan Lockton, Eindhoven University of Technology and Julieta Matos Castaño, University of Twente

"How do we imagine transformative futures in everyday life in the Netherlands? In an era of urgency for some and apathy for others, what futures do we hope for, or envision, for our own communities or others—and how can we embrace our agency to bring about these transitions?

What if we could experience different versions of our own futures? Designers have the ability to create plausible versions of everyday life, with culture, social practices, challenges, interwoven with changes to our homes and cities, how we eat, travel, work, and care for each other, and interact with nature. How can we do this with communities?

In this interactive and experiential session, we invite a diverse group of researchers and practitioners to share experiences on the development and application of participatory futuring methods for facilitating community imagination in societal transitions. Our goal is to learn from each other and identify opportunities for future collaborations. To this end, we will encourage participants to share their dreams and aspirations for future projects and initiatives, collectively mapping a shared creative vision of the possibilities of this space. We will incorporate reflections on the prerequisites necessary to bring this future into reality.

The session will activate a network of societal stakeholders interested in participatory futuring activities, relevant for the Industrial Design department of Eindhoven University of Technology, and DesignLab at the University of Twente. We will document the results of the session as a first step for future collaborations on projects around societal transitions and urban transformation."

-Future Living Concepts, an exploration - yellow
As part of the housing and building innovation agenda of the Municipality of Eindhoven
by: Yasemin Arslan and Mariska Louman, Municipality of Eindhoven

"Eindhoven as a city is booming, with our knowledge institutions, Brainport and high-tech industry that are rapidly growing and expanding. It is expected that the city will grow from 243.000 to 300.000 citizens in 2040. As you can imagine this has a big impact with numerous challenges, such as realizing houses for our changing city and demands.

One of our answers for this challenge is to create an innovation agenda for housing and living. For this we have brought together multiple innovations in several strategies, and we are investigating in a multi-helix collaboration with many stakeholders how we can collaborate to further develop these products and concepts. Many of these innovations are about products and conditions that are necessary for change. However, housing is primarily about people, about feeling at home, quality of life and living together.

In our session we want to explore how we can work on the more ‘social’ part of these innovations. Because what if many people will see an apartment rise in their street? What if we try to stimulate movement of elderly in a different housing situation? What if we must start living more compact with more shared spaces? How can we include citizens in ways that suit their lives and needs? How far can we go as a government in asking for participation and change?

We will combine your own experiences (as human beings and professionals) with our Eindhoven citizen personas to explore these questions from multiple perspectives as an important addition to the innovation agenda."

- City Deals: Uncharted potential for living in city centres - red
How to stimulate the use of vacant spaces above shops in city centres using a systems- smart approach
by: Jurian Strik, Studio-Strik and Jos Sentel, Romay Evers, ThirdPlace Consultancy/ City Deal Dynamische Binnensteden

"City Deals are coalitions comprising municipalities, government departments, and educational institutions. From within the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, these coalitions address challenges that transcend various boundaries: the boundaries between municipalities, between government departments, and between different perspectives, interests, and scales.

In order to achieve breakthroughs, City Deals, like many other change networks, seek a system-smart design approach. But how does this work? And what is the role of the designer in this process? This workshop will test and inquire about one of the design techniques used by City Deals, based on your expertise.

City centres for centuries were densely populated areas. Yet, over the past decades, the role as a living environment has diminished in favour of commercial and leisure functions. Looking at current trends and societal needs it would be a great opportunity to activate the unused potential that’s available above many shops for residential use. Transforming those vacant spaces into houses contributes to the widespread need for extra housing and helps turn city centres into attractive future living environment. The reason these spaces are currently vacant is that they have no use for the shops on ground floor and in many cases they don’t have an entrance (anymore), other than through the shop itself. We will approach this challenge on systemic levels (policy, regulations, programming, design solutions.

The results will be used as input for our City Deal – a coalition between Dutch Cities (Amsterdam, Den Haag, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Groningen, Eindhoven, Nijmegen, Dordrecht, Roosendaal, Hilversum) and public partners."

  • Social innovation DRIVE 2022 patroon
  • Systems & Societal Innovation

    Maandag 23-10

- Inclusive Healthcare - yellow
Articulating and Answering Needs for Inclusive Healthcare
by: Noa van den Brink, Dajung Kim, Delft University of Technology and Samantha Orozco Carvallo, Erasmus Medical Centre

"In this session we will explore the pressing demand for health system change and brainstorm about the proposed strategy for value-based design, self-experimentation and AI.

In a series of brief presentations and discussions, our design approach to make health systems life-long relevant for a diversity of individuals will be explained and explored. The following three steps will be presented by research examples of the TUD Design for Health Motivation group, each followed by a group discussion to gather input.
How to understand the needs and values of underserved populations in society?
How to meet these needs by changing the healthcare systems from care consumption to motivation for self-care?
How can AI meaningfully support this transition?

We invite participants engaged in user research, healthcare design, system design, social design, AI design from a human centered perspective to join us!"

- Design skills for facilitating Systemic Transitions - red
by: Maria Arias-Arias and Morgan Duta, The Hague University of Applied Sciences

"In response to the need for people to lead systemic change, designers have been identified as the strongest candidates to design value networks, based on the skillsets they possess. In this workshop we will discuss and share stories about specific skills needed to navigate this complex situation. We will do this with a card set in order to validate previous research findings.

We will discuss the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential for designers to become effective facilitators and navigators. Through conversation, collaboration, and creativity, we like your input to further explore what is needed for designers to become better equipped for leading the world of tomorrow.

We will use the outcome of this session to finalize and confirm our research findings and integrate these findings in the card set that we are currently prototyping."

Improving Youth Care Through Systemic Design - blue
A Systemic and Social Innovation Approach to Reduce Waiting Times
by: Frens Pries en Anna de Jonge, Shoshin

"Systemic innovation considers the larger system when addressing complex (social) challenges. The regional projects Shosin is executing in collaboration with Team Aanpak Wachttijden, show (1) a systemic innovation method and (2) how to work on a societal issue.

Our approach supports professionals in doing this: looking into to youth care system to identify systemic causes, and to find sustainable solutions to reduce waiting times. We look at social innovation as a methodology to develop new ideas for positive social change. Our regional projects demonstrate how to improve a system for youth and parents that need care.

In this workshop we will reflect on challenges related to our approach or comparable approaches in the fields of social and systemic innovation. For example, we discuss how to establish necessary preconditions for conducting a project, foster long-term collaborations, and effectively develop and implement solutions.

With your input we will further develop and optimize this systemic approach that will support many more professionals in making social change."