• Jacky Bourgeois
  • Spreker

    Jacky Bourgeois

TU Delft

Jacky Bourgeois | Technische Universiteit Delft

'Data-Centric Design through Donation'

Where do we go? What do we eat? How do we exercise, sleep and feel? Through mobile apps and sensors, the Internet of Things has empowered everyone to capture detailed pictures of their life. The highly dynamic nature of this data makes it deeply intertwined with people, their behavior, and their experiences: an excellent material for subjective inquiry. In this talk, Jacky starts with the DataSlip, an ATM-like prototype confronting us with the vast data traces we leave behind. Then, Jacky discusses how behavioral data enables new ways to connect and engage with people, offers tools for reflection to enrich the design process, and helps designers surface possibilities and blind spots of data together with the people who generate it.

Learn how to harness data to support designers and users to collaborate responsibly and address societal challenges.


Jacky is the director of the Data-Centric Design Lab and Assistant Professor with the Department of Sustainable Design Engineering (SDE) of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) of the Delft University of Technology. Combining Human-Computer Interaction, Data Science and Participatory Design, he hypothesises that the central use of behavioural data in Human-Centred Design can turn challenges and limitations of both fields into flourishing ethical and collaborative opportunities. Specifically, he explores ways to use data as material for subjective inquiry through data donation, collaborative data reflection and multimodal data interaction data donation to use data interactions.